Tennis Elbow? But I Don’t Even Play Tennis!
Tennis elbow isn't just for athletes. It’s a painful condition that occurs when the tendons in your elbow are inflamed and overloaded due to repetitive motion.
Are You at Risk for Chronic Knee Pain?
Knees hurt? You're not alone. Chronic knee pain is thought to affect up to 25% of adults and can significantly limit both your mobility and quality of life. Discover how to take your life back from chronic knee pain.
Your Hip and SI Joint: What’s the Difference?
While figuring out the difference between hip and SI joint pain can be extremely confusing, being able to identify which one is the culprit is crucial when you’re looking for relief.
Shoulder Pain: How to Find Relief
Your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body. If you have shoulder pain, here is how you can find relief.